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About Gemstone

The world of coloured gemstones is incredible. Of more than 3,000 minerals found on earth, only around two hundred are recognized as gemstones due to their beauty, durability, colour and rarity. The majority of Gemstones (except – Pearls and Coral are of animal origin; Jet and Amber are vegetable) are minerals and are cut from naturally occurring crystals. These minerals have been crystallized as a result of high temperatures and pressures exerted by nature on the elements that form the earth’s crust.

Natural gemstones are both stunning and rare. Their scintillating beauty and limited supply puts them in high demand. The original and authentic gemstones cannot be mass produced based on the demand for it in the market. Where diamonds are just found in few countries gemstones are available in jewellery shop around the world. In many countries and culture gemstones have a rich history. Each piece is unique, created by the mysteries of nature and fashioned by human intelligence.

Gemstones and Colours

Gemstones derive its colour due to the nature of light itself. A ruby appears red because it absorbs all the other colours of white light (green and blue), while reflecting the red. The most sought-after are transparent Gems, drops of pure colour cut from a single crystal, which were once divided into precious and semi-precious categories.

Gem discoveries have added new varieties to the traditional selection of Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire. In fact, some of the more unusual Gemstones command higher prices because of their beauty and rarity. For example, fine Jade, Opal, Tsavories and Alexandrite could be more valuable than lesser quality Diamonds or Emeralds of the same carat weight. For all precious stones, some form of imitation always exists, but the extraordinary feeling of owning a rare and fully natural gem outweighs the benefits of inexpensive imitation jewellery. Over and above Navagraha, there are variety of gemstones found in nature but the most common used in today’s world are listed below:

Alexandrite, Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Garnet, Lolite, Jade, Kunzite, Lapiz Lazuli, Moonstone, Opal, Peridot, Spinel, Tanzanite, Topaz, Tourmaline, Tsavorite, Turquoise and Zircon. Each of these Gemstones has a particular charm, colour and identity.

Factors determining the value of a gemstone:

Many factors set value. Things like weight, intensity of colour, size, rarity, and quality alongwith the country of origin are deciding factors for the price it commands. Gemstones may be accompanied by a lab report listing the colour, cut, clarity and weight. They may also contain a comment about treatments or origin. Certain gemstones such as ruby or sapphire can receive a premium in the market if they are believed to be from a particular country (origin). Nature produces far fewer of the top-quality gems, so there is good reason for the greater price.

Colour :
The strength and purity of a Gemstone’s colour is of prime importance. The International Coloured Gems Association divides the Colour component of gemstones in 3 main categories: Hues (red, green, blue, etc.), Saturation (strong, pastel, red, pink, etc.), and Tone (dark or light). There is no established right or wrong colour, and there are literally thousands of shades of red, blue and green. Therefore, you should make your selection according to your own personal taste.

Picking a perfect gemstone is a very personal matter often depending on the personality and complexion of the person you're buying it for. Varying hues between absolute colours are sometimes preferred and are more affordable than the pure gemstone. For e.g. a bluish green sapphire is a lot more affordable than a pure deep blue one. The more pure and rich the colour is, the more expensive the gem is going to be. Although these slight colour variations are almost invisible to the naked eye, it doesn't compromise the quality of the stone you're buying. A strong bold colour would be best suited for a powerful personality but maybe not for someone shy. Pure gemstones are very valuable and require a lot of attention but in grading terms, the pure clear intense colours are the most preferred, and also the most expensive.

Cut :
The cut of a Gemstone is of extraordinary importance. The proper cutting emphasizes the richness of the Gemstone’s inherent colour, which is a focal point of the gem’s beauty that attracts the eye.

Remember to not get confused between the shape and the Cut of a gemstone. The Cut looks into the how well the shape has been executed, e.g. the perfect round or pear shape stone, not the shape itself. A good Cut is what differentiates a good gemstone from a bad one, and doesn't always have to be more expensive. An ideal cut reflects the maximum light with almost no pockets of darkness anywhere on the stone. These are considered the best you can buy since they produce the maximum brilliance and are the most beautiful. There are no rules to cutting a perfect gemstone since the inclusions sometimes bring out the best in them. But care should be taken to observe the intensity of the Colour of the gem once cut, since some of them tend to lose their brilliance as they get smaller. However, we recommend you also check the Colour and Clarity of the stone while looking at its Cut to get the perfect gemstone.

Clarity :
While the clarity of a Gemstone is an important feature, it is equally important to remember that completely flawless Gemstones are very rate. Inclusions are inherent to practically every Gemstone and are nature’s way of adding variety and individuality to a Gemstone. Even the most expensive contain some inclusions.

Clarity in gemstones work very differently from Diamonds, and sometimes it's the little imperfections that make the stone come alive. While Clarity is a very important consideration in a gemstone, there is no standardized system to analyse the grades of Clarity for gemstones. Gems like the ruby, emerald or sapphire are rarely clean and pure, despite their intense colour, while the amethyst, aquamarine or the blue topaz are normally clean. But remember, sometimes it's the impurities or inclusions that enhance the stone and reflect the light, allowing it to sparkle so it's best to look at the intensity and hue of the Colour first before examining the Clarity of a gemstone.

Carat weight :
The size or weight of a Gemstone also affects its value. Carat is the standard weight of the gemstone, normally about 1/5th of a gram. Each carat is then divided into points, which is 1/100th of carat. Carats of a gemstone are the easiest to gauge and directly proportionate to its cost since larger stones are always rarer. But Carat does determine the size of a gemstone since the density of the stone plays a role as well. E.g. Opal has a light density while Zircon is heavy and often the same carat may no equal the same size, or the same value.

Cost :
There are many aspects that determine the Cost of gemstones. The cost for mining and procuring gemstones fluctuates based on a demand and supply in the market. The larger, finer and rarer gems are often bought by the best of the dealers and are seldom available in large quantities. Also, if the mining for gemstones has to go deeper into the Earth's core, there are involuntary extra overheads like more machinery, more fuel, more manpower, which add to its value. The deeper they need to dig, the more expensive the gem will be, and sometimes when the productions costs are too high, the mining stops. However, gemstones are fashionable and seasonal depending of a current industry trend or some unforeseen celebrity endorsement, so their prices tend to fluctuate like any other commodity in the market.

Gemstone Treatment and Enhancements

When gemstones were first discovered and worn, they were used in their natural state with no added treatments to augment their beauty. Today however, it is just the opposite. Multiple treatments are applied to gemstones to bring out their brilliance and enhance their inherent beauty. The common enhancement methods are heating, oiling, dyeing, irradiation, bleaching, coating and diffusion to name a few. The major natural stones will require treatment to enrich the look. The heat and radiation helps in changing and enriching of colours. Diffusion helps in deepening the colour within the outer layer of the stone. If there are any cracks, waxes and oils are made use as a part of fillers. A few treatments applied are permanent. Treatments don't affect the value of a gem, in fact in some cases; the Treatment actually brings out the beauty of the gem and increases their value. Untreated gems are almost extinct and exorbitantly priced. Treated gems are a good option to buy when you know that, what you are buying and paying a price that reveals the true quality of stones.

Common Treatments
• Emerald: oiled with colourless oil to improve appearance.
• Ruby: heated to improve colour and appearance.
• Sapphire: heated to produce intensity or light colour and/or improve colour uniformity.
• Tanzanite: heated to produce violet blue colour.
• Aquamarine: heated to improve colour.
• Blue topaz: exposed and heated to produce blue colour.
• Tourmaline: exposed to intensify pink, red and purple colour.
• Jade: commonly soaked with colourless wax.
• Lapis lazuli: commonly soaked with colourless wax or oil.
• Coral: commonly bleached.
• Pearls: commonly bleached to improve colour and appearance.
• Black onyx: always dyed.

Natural gems formed in the Earth are a thing of beauty and almost ideal as a gift for any occasion, just like a Diamond. While the naturally occurring, gems can still be acquired, there is also an advent of Lab created gemstones where identical conditions are replicated in a laboratory and the stones are cultured to a desired state. Lab created gems are as appealing as their natural cousins and are a lot more affordable for people with a budget restriction. Gemstones make for an inimitable and inspired gifting option, and with the right guidance, you can pick the perfect stone with almost no difficulty at all.

A Look at How Gemstones are graded:

Their fiery brilliance and intense colour has resulted in the popularity of gemstone jewellery. But how do you judge the quality of gemstones? Read on to learn more about the gemstone grading system.

The diamond grading system gives you an authentic report on the quality of the stone. In fact, diamonds over one carat are rarely sold without a certification. However, gemstone grading has not been as systematic or organized as diamond grading. But the scenario is gradually changing and an increasing number of international labs are now doing more and more gemstone evaluations.

Technical Knowhow on Gemstone Evaluation
Gemstone evaluation follows the same system as diamond grading. The 4Cs - colour, clarity, cut and carat - are the parameters used to judge the value of a gemstone. The difference is that while the cut is the most important factor in assessing a diamond, the colour of the gemstone is paramount.

Evaluating a Gemstone's Colour: A gemstone's colour is evaluated using three parameters. These are hue, tone and saturation.
Hue: This is the first impression or the perceived colour of the gemstone. The colour range varies through different shades of purple, red, yellow, green and blue. Some colours are more valuable than others.
Tone: It refers to how light or dark the colour of the gemstone is. Labs use 3 to denote a light tone, 5 for medium and 7 for dark.
Saturation: It refers to the purity of the colour. Hundred per cent saturation implies that the gemstone has no grey in it and the colour is absolutely pure. But 100% saturation is not possible in nature. The higher the saturation percentage the higher the value of the stone. A stone with a high saturation percentage is said to have a high colour grade.

How to Find a Gemstone's Clarity
Clarity refers to the extent to which a gemstone is free from flaws and blemishes. This does not play as important a role in determining the value of a gemstone as the colour. The clarity of gemstones is fixed as per the following definitions:
Type I: These are stones with no inclusions that can be spotted with the unaided eye.
Type II: These are stones with some inclusions, but these do not detract from the overall appearance of the stone.
Type III: These stones are severely included and these flaws can impact the appearance and durability of the gemstone.

The value of the gem will depend on the type and placement of the inclusion and its effect on the durability of the stone.

How to Find a Gemstone's Cut
Gemstones are cut using two methods - the faceted cut or the cabochon cut.
Faceted Cut: This cut is used for transparent gemstones. A good faceted cut will reflect light both internally and externally. This will maximize the brilliance of the stone. Faceted cuts are a new innovation in the gemstone industry.
Cabochan Cut: The cabochon cut is much easier than the faceted cuts and perhaps that is why they have been popular throughout the history of gemstones. The Cabochan cut is actually not a cut at all. It simply involves shaping and polishing the gemstone until it acquires a round top and a flat or domed base.
Again, unlike diamonds, gemstones are not cut to increase their brilliance. Rather, they are cut to bring out the richness of their colour.

How to Find the Carat Weight of a Gemstone
The weight measure for gemstones - except pearls and corals - is the carat. One carat equals 0.2 grams. Pearls and corals are weighed by grain or momme. One grain is equivalent to 0.25 carats and a momme equals 18.75 carats.

Other Parameters Used to Grade Gemstones
Brilliance: Brilliance of a gemstone is defined as the maximum light that a gemstone can reflect when kept under a spotlight. The brilliance of a gemstone often depends on the skill with which it is cut.

Depth: This is the ratio of the height of a stone to its minimum width. The higher value gemstones have a depth of 60 to 80 per cent. A gemstone with a depth of less than 50 per cent is considered to be shallow.

Certification Labs

There was a lack of standardization as far as the terminology of the reports produced by various labs was concerned. The main gemmological labs have come together to form the Laboratory Manual Standardization Committee to overcome this problem.

Different Kinds of Gemmology Reports

Brief Reports:
The brief report that is issued by labs provides information on weight, colour, clarity, shape, size and type of the stone. Some labs will also issue a photo of the stone with the report. However, it is not mandatory to include the photo.

Standard Reports:
These are sealed reports with the gemstone inside it. The information provided in these reports includes weight, colour, clarity, shape, size and type of stone. There is also a comments section. Any treatment that the stone has undergone will be mentioned in the report.

Full gemstone Report:
These are authenticated by the signature of the gemmologist. They are comprehensive reports that give all the information provided in a standard report. Additional information includes description, proportion, finish grade, refractive index, trade name, specific gravity and a photo of the gemstone.

Buying certified and graded gemstones would mean that you have the assurance that you are buying the real thing. Certified gemstones also have greater resale value and for this reason, it is worthwhile to get your gemstone certified and graded.


What are Birthstones?
• Birthstones are gems, which are uniquely suited to those born at a certain time in a certain month and a certain sign of the zodiac.

• Birthstones also known as lucky stones affect the human body through their measured radiation. They are considered to increase the psychic powers of an individual and ward off the ill effects of planets by their curative powers.

• Many ancient legends confer birthstones of magical, healing, mystical properties that are offered to its wearer. Each gem has a unique code of light transmitting its exceptional properties the effect of which is different, depending on the stone's unique metaphysical properties.

Navagraha: Hinduism Ritual
• Navagraha or the Nine Planets has great importance in Hinduism and Hindu rituals.

• They are the sacred nine gemstones as per Vedic texts and Indian Astrology that have a profound impact on human life. These Navratnas are linked to the nine planets also referred to as the Navagrahas and are recommended after the detailed study of the Kundali/ Indian Horoscope.

• Navagrahas are considered to play a major role in deciding the destiny of man. The Navagrahas are Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangal (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Brihaspati (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu (North Lunar Node) and Ketu (South Lunar Node).

• It is believed that these nine planetary deities influence human lives and is responsible for all good or bad times, one faces in life

• Recommendation of correct gemstones by Vedic Astrology is an ancient art practiced and revered since eons and bring about magical changes in individual lives.

Birthstone association and Stones of the zodiac with months & days:

The variety of colours and qualities of valuable Gemstones is almost limitless. Some of the most popular ones have been allocated to months of the year, bringing all people born in their months under the protection of that stones. Today, the pride of possessing a rare and beautiful Gemstone is as great as ever.

Birthstone association with Days, Months and Planets:

Significance of Gemstones

Investing in a gemstone isn't something you do every day and so you may not know where to start. Indeed, gemstones are complex by their very nature, strikingly beautiful and often expensive. Our guides ensure you are not fazed by the gemstone buying process and help you to make a clear and sensible decision when it comes to choosing the perfect gemstone in the perfect setting. Whether you are looking to impress her with emeralds or dazzle her with diamonds, we are waiting to give you all the advice and help that you need.

Since times immemorial, humans all over the world from Egyptians and Mayans to Greeks and Chinese have been enchanted with the beauty of gemstones. However, these stones were not mere decorations in the wearer's ornaments; they were believed to possess protective and healing powers too. These precious stones have magnetic power and emit particular frequency vibrations that can change your energy levels when you wear them in close contact with the skin. Here are details of the healing power of a few gemstones that influence the functioning of the body and mind.

Ruby (Manek)

The name ruby comes from the Latin word ‘ruber’/ ‘rubens’, which means red. Rubies are a deep red, transparent variety of corundum. All other colours of corundum are classified as sapphires. Rubies along with emeralds and diamonds are one of the world’s most treasured gems. First mined in Asia, the fiery and captivating Ruby is a stone of nobility, considered the most magnificent of all gems, the queen of stones and the stone of kings. The most important factor to consider when buying a ruby is its colour. It comes in a variety of shades ranging from purplish- and bluish-red to orange-red. The highest quality rubies exhibit a deep vivid red or purplish red. The brightest and most valuable "red" called blood-red, commands a large premium over other rubies of similar quality. The intense dark red of the ruby makes it one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world. Besides colour, it is highly desirable gem due to its hardness, durability, luster and rarity. A minimum colour saturation must be met to be called a ruby, otherwise the stone will be called a pink sapphire. According to an ancient belief, it surpassed all other precious stones in virtue and its value. Rubies have always been held in high esteem by jewellery buyers.

Due to its durability, brilliance and bewitching red colour, it has for thousands of years been considered to be one of the most valuable gemstones. Larger rubies of high quality, being rarer, command the highest prices. Transparent, perfect ruby surpass all other gems in value, with the exception of dark "fancy diamonds". The Ruby that rates "9" on Mohs scale of hardness makes it the second hardest and is known to be the second hardest gem after diamonds. Rubies are usually available in sizes up to 2 carats and to the strong colour and toughness they make outstanding accent stones. Rubies are heat-treated for intensifying and for improving their clarity. A few rubies would have surface fractures that will be filled with glass-like materials for the purpose of enhancing their look. Such filler may break out if it is exposed to excess heat. Rubies are found in Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Cambodia, Afghanistan and India. Mozambique has recently started producing Rubies which are similar to those of legendary Burmese origin. This origin has become one of the most important sources of Ruby.

Ancient Hindus call the ruby as Ratnanyaka, referred to it as "the king of gems," and royalty used ruby to ward off evil because it was believed to have magical powers.
One such magical power was that the ruby would get darker in the presence of evil and lighter when the evil was gone-but only if possessed by its rightful owner.
Rubies have been worn by warriors to give them courage, by kings to give them power, and have been gifted as an expression of undying love.
A Ruby gives name, fame, vigour, virtue, warmth and commanding power to its user.
Its characteristic fiery red is associated with passion and warmth, fire and blood, vivacity and spontaneity.
It improves the relation with the business superiors and family members.
A fine ruby assures its owner that he would live in harmony with his neighbours.
Rubies are about elemental energy.
In legend, ruby is the gem of the heart with the power to kindle the flame of love and desire.
It is the best gem to maintain a proper marital relation and also helps in attracting each other.
Known as the "Lord of the Gems", the ruby is said to protect their owners from all kinds of misfortune.
It also helps in curing blood related diseases.
Revered in many cultures throughout history, Ruby has always been a talisman of protection and prosperity.
Many ancients believed the ruby possessed an inner flame that burned eternally.
Worn by passionate women with a flair for the dramatic, ruby is the gem of courage and emotion.
Its fiery brilliance attracts the eye and quickens the pulse.
Being the Gem for Sun, the Ruby is considered as effective in getting success in lesser time than expected in all fields of life. Good for power, authority, peace victory over enemies & in court cases. It also enhances the status of a person. Sometimes it causes detachment also. It attracts favour & good will. It drives away Ghosts & dispel sadness.

Emerald (Panna)

The name emerald comes from the Greek 'smaragdos' and the Old French 'esmeralde', which means ‘green gemstone’. According to Indian mythology, the name emerald was first translated from Sanskrit as "marakata," meaning "the green of growing things." Emeralds are a green transparent variety of beryl. Emeralds are known to be in great esteem for a long time. Emeralds were first found near the Red Sea in Egypt over 4000 years ago. Mentions of emeralds appear in the myths, legends and rituals of the Incas, the Egyptians, the Indian Moguls and the Ancient Greeks. They are believed by many cultures to have positive supernatural powers. This is the main reason why we find the renowned emeralds in different collections and in museums. Emerald is one of the most fascinating and beautiful stones. It has also, for centuries, been the colour of beauty and constant love. Like Amethysts define purple, Emeralds stand for all things beautifully and unimaginably green. The green of the emerald is the colour of life and of spring time, which comes around again and again. Flawless emeralds are very rare and are known for their excellent quality. Some people prefer an emerald with very minute defects on a perfect emerald, because it proves the authenticity of the stone.

Emeralds are usually available in different dark and light shades of green and also consists of delicate hints of different colours like blue, yellow, grey or brown in the background. As the green colour gets pure and rich, such emerald is highly expensive. Deep green is the most desired colour in emeralds, its beautiful green colour, combined with durability and rarity, making it one of the most precious stone. They have the most beautiful, intense and radiant green hue that can possibly be imagined. Only gems that are medium to dark in tone are considered emerald; light-toned gems are known as green beryl. Because inclusion-free emeralds are extremely infrequent, the detection of inclusions minimally impacts the value of an emerald, if at all; only very severe and deep inclusions will reduce an emerald's value. Emeralds are treated for the purpose of removing surface flaws and also for the purpose of enriching the colour. The common method that is used to fill Emerald is filling the green-tinted oil in the surface cracks. The oil will help in strengthening of the stone and it helps in improving the green colour as well. Most emeralds are highly included, so their toughness (resistance to breakage) is classified as generally poor. Emeralds more likely than other gemstones to be cut into cabochons, rather than faceted shapes due to its crystal non-uniformity. Stones weighing more than 8 carats are rare in finer quality. In commercial qualities, stones are available in all sizes up to 20 carats or even larger may be encountered.

In top quality, fine emeralds are even more valuable than diamonds. The most highly-priced emeralds exhibit a bright grass-like green. It is very rare and commands relatively high prices on the market. Emeralds have a very good hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale. Currently, most emeralds are mined in Columbia, Brazil, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Russia, Afghanistan and Madagascar. Zambian emeralds are considered as the best source of top quality emeralds.

Green colour of this stone has a special place in many cultures and religions. One of the oldest stones to be mined, every culture from Indian to Inca, associates the emerald with luck, healing & holiness.
The emerald was thought to cure a wide range of ailments, including poor eyesight and nervous system. It also enabled the wearer to predict the future.
An Emerald improves your memory, communication skill, intuition and brain power, sharpens the intellect and your ability to learn.
Its wearer gets sufficient wealth in life. Increases liquid cash (daily income).
The rich green colour of emerald is a perfect symbol of eternal hope and arrival of spring, and has long symbolized love and rebirth.
As the gem of Venus, it was also considered an aid to fertility.
Emerald is the birthstone for May and the gem of the 20th and 35th anniversary.
It is also a recognition of intelligence, love and expressiveness. Makes one good speaker.
This sparkling green stone is said to be beneficial in dealing with muscular-skeletal disorders. It helps in overcoming muscle pain and spasm as also disorders related to the spine. It helps to develop a positive mind-set and this in turns improves the physical health, too. Overall, it has a harmonizing effect on daily life.

Pearl (Moti)

Pearls are an organic gem, created when a mollusk like an oyster covers a foreign object with beautiful layers of nacre, the mother of pearl. In Persian mythology, they are called "the tears of the gods." In some Muslim legends, the pearl is God's first act of creation. Pearls are unique because they are the only gemstone formed within a living creature. Pearls that stick to the oyster shell usually have a flat surface. The round pearls are known to be the rarest. The shine shown by a few pearls is cause of overlapping of layers that is laid by the oyster. Pearl is known to the “Queen of gems” and has a feminine charm in it. It glows especially in the moonlight. Since natural pearls are rare and difficult to recover from the ocean's depths, man invented the technique of culturing salt and freshwater pearls from mollusks carefully seeded with irritants similar to those produced by nature. There are four main types of cultured pearls: Akoya, South Sea, Tahitian, and Freshwater each having unique qualities that separates them for the other. The majority of pearls are cultured in Japan, but many are harvested in China and the South Pacific.

Pearls are normally white in colour. Cultured pearls come in many beautiful colours, from pale cream and white to rose, lilac, green, gold, grey, and black. The white, black and the saltwater pearls are known to be famous. If the colour of the pearl is dark, it means that it is expensive. The Black pearls are known to be extremely rare and are called as Black Tahitian Pearls and are known to be expensive. Pearls are available in various shapes like button, round, semi-round, pear, drop, baroque, oval and circled. While no pearl is totally perfect, the lesser the imperfections on the surface, the higher the value of your gem. Lustre or sheen refers to the mirror like quality of the pearl. Pearls with good surfaces typically have better lustre and stand out when worn. For completing a complete string of same coloured pearls of the same size and shade, it would take many years together. The finest quality natural pearls add a great deal of beauty to jewellery and are admired by the masses and classes alike. The natural pearls are the most valuable and expensive. Cultured or farmed pearls from pearl oysters form the majority amount of pearls sold. Imitation pearls are also widely sold in artificial jewellery, but its quality is usually very poor.

Pearls have been recognized as the symbol of modesty, chastity and purity.
They symbolize a happy marriage.
A Pearl strengthens mental faculties, calms emotions and increases peace of mind.
It is common custom for brides to wear a pearl nose-ring and necklace for the wedding ceremony. This is believed to ensure a happy conjugal life and protection from widowhood.
Pearl also provides vitality and wisdom.
Pearls have always been considered classic gemstones, symbolic of beauty and dignity.
It is a perfect symbol of charity, faith, and innocence and also helps in providing focus to one’s attention.
Pearl is used to remove the evil effects of moon and it strengthens the mind and increases the good sleep and cures insomnia. Connected with hara chakra, controls liquid of the body & affections of watery nature. It cures acidity, indigestion, insomnia, asthma. It keeps one cool & calculative. It also gives good memory, cures uterine disorders, heart trouble and eye diseases, hysteria and pleurisy etc. Believed to improve the functioning of the pancreas, this stone has the influence of increasing insulin secretion in the body and helps its appropriate utilization. It also helps to remove fluctuations of the mind that lead to emotional imbalance. It also increases sexual strength and makes the conjugal life happy, removes melancholy and increases fortune.

Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) & Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

Sapphires are a pure form of the mineral corundum. For thousands of years, sapphire has been associated solely with the colour blue. The ancient Persians believed that the earth rested on a giant sapphire that gave its blue reflection to the sky, hence the Latin word "saphirus" and the Greek word "sapheiros," which means blue. The word “sapphire” is also derived from Sanskrit word ‘Shanipriya’ literally meaning “dear to Saturn”. Sapphire is considered one of the “big three” in the industry with ruby and emeralds. Sapphire is the gem of truth. The sapphire was honoured by ancient priests and sorcerers for it was said to enable them to foretell the future. Ancients believed the Ten Commandments were written on a sapphire tablet.

Since the word sapphire is synonymous with the colour blue, many people don't realize that sapphire comes in other colour shades like pink, yellow, purple, orange and white. However, sapphires can be found in every colour besides red, as red sapphires are called rubies. Yellow sapphire deserves more recognition. Its sunny colour is an instant mood-enhancer on the greyest day. Rare and beautiful, yellow sapphire complements yellow gold and takes center stage set when contrasting against white gold and diamonds. Pink sapphire is even rarer than blue: in some ways, it has more in common with ruby than the other colours of sapphire. Gem experts often debate where ruby ends and pink sapphire begins, since pink is really just light red.

Sapphires most commonly occur in blue, and vivid, pure, deep blues are the most valuable. The expensive Sapphires are known to be of powerful and are of pure bright blue colour. High quality sapphires are very rare in gem mines across the world. The brightness of this gemstone is maintained in all kinds of lighting conditions. This gemstone is available in size of up to 2 carats. You may also get 5-10 carats of gems. It is usually cut in a rounded rectangle or in oval shape. Sapphires are cut into dome shape and depict the six-rayed white star, which are commonly called as star Sapphires. Small stones are made available in round brilliant cuts and are also available in various other shapes like triangle, emerald, square, pear, cabochon and a lot more. The stone has a very good hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale. In ancient times, a gift of a sapphire was a pledge of trust and loyalty. This tradition makes sapphire a popular choice for engagement rings. Sri Lanka is the biggest producer of sapphires, but they are also mined in Kenya, Burma, Tanzania, Kashmir-India, Madagascar, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Cambodia, Laos, Australia, Nigeria, Tanzania, China and the United States.

Sapphires were believed to have special protective powers, such as preventing envy and protecting the wearer from poisoning.
In addition, people believed that sapphire had medical healing properties, such as the ability to cure colic, rheumatism, blindness, and mental illnesses.
Sapphire symbolizes fidelity and the soul.
Throughout the course of history, this gem has been worn as a protective amulet, as a symbol of harmony, loyalty and friendship, and as a romantic token.

Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj): Yellow sapphire gemstones are very useful in astrology and Vedic properties. It has many healing powers and is very important in star signs. The wearer gets plenty of wealth, good health, fame, name, honour and professional success, increase intelligence, make one free from unwanted / unpleasant thoughts. Removes depression. Helps recover from throat troubles. Connected with solar plexus. This stone's main area of influence is the glands in the body such as the pituitary gland and other endocrine glands. Therefore, it is believed to improve the secretion of hormones, ensure normal body function and keep disease at bay. By acting on the chemicals in the body, sapphire also improves the emotional wellbeing, Controls liver and fat of the body. It also helps in finding a suitable match for a life partner.

Blue Sapphire/Neelam: A blue Sapphire is one of the most powerful gems of all. Blue Sapphire removes evil effects of Saturn. It is said that blue sapphire has the magical power to elevate its user to a higher status from all sides. It alleviates long-term misfortune. However, there is a caution. Sometimes this stone may react adversely. It is suggested that Blue Sapphire should be tested for one week before final wearing. It could give you everything you could desire such as health, wealth, longevity, happiness. It also restores lost wealth and property. Can improve fertility in a barren woman. It Controls muscles of body. Connected with brow chakra, controls the anger. It has special power of judgment & healing. Blue Sapphire is known to be the best blue gemstone, which is a perfect symbol of remembrance, faith and lasting commitment.

Coral (Moonga)

Coral is an organic gemstone. Genuine, untreated coral is very rare and therefore very valuable. Coral is composed of calcium carbonate, which is secreted by small sea polyps in order to create their own natural protective habitat. Commercial coral is never harvested from protected reefs or banks, and harvesters have recently become more careful with their harvesting methods, dispatching professional divers to carefully collect coral branches so as to avoid damaging the sea organisms within. Most coral used in jewellery comes from Sicily or Sardinia. Coral ranges in colour from reds and oranges to whites and even blues. It is extremely delicate, its hardness measuring at approximately 3.5-4 on the Mohs scale.

Connected with root chakra, controls marrow of our body. Makes one courageous and active. Coral stones are helpful in maintaining blood cholesterol levels within normal limits. If you want to reduce your chance of having heart disease and hypertension, try wearing a coral pendant or ring. Coral also helps in absorbing the nutrient called niacin which is important for the functioning of several metabolic enzymes in the body. At the mental level, it has a calming effect and bestows the ability to adapt easily to change. Good for diabetes patients (in combination with other stones). Cures constipation, blood disorders, improves digestive system and prevents bleeding. Coral ensures material happiness, recovery from diseases indicated by Mars such as fever & cough. It is good for bones too. It averts evil eye. Lucky stone for brides & gives happiness to married women.

Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl (Lehsuniya)

Cat's eye is useful for eradicating evil influences of Ketu and diseases given by Mars. This protects its wearer from hidden enemies, mysterious dangers and diseases. It controls high blood pressure, diabetes, checks the growth of cancer & old age chronic problems. Gem of good luck. Makes one wealthy, it takes one from nowhere to everywhere. Bestows wealth by secret means like horse racing, gambling, stock exchange market and speculations.

This gem protects its wearer from hidden enemies, mysterious dangers and diseases. It also protects from drowning, intoxication and legal troubles. A Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl is the best gem for those in gambling business as it brings good fortune.

Hessonite Garnet (Gomed)

The name "garnet" comes from the Latin word "Garanatus," meaning "seed like," in reference to a pomegranate. This reference makes sense as small garnets look like the bright red seeds you find inside in a pomegranate. These gemstones have been valued by mankind for thousands of years and are mentioned most famously in the story of Noah's Ark.

Garnet is the name of an entire family of stones that can be found in a wide spectrum of colours. While deep red is the most common, affordable and traditional garnet colour, garnets may range from green, orange, and yellow to earthier sepia hues; they come in almost every colour, other than blue. The value of any garnet depends entirely on colour, size and corresponding rarity. The gems with dark colours are usually priced high when compared to light colours. Such stones are actually available in various colours with respect to the type of the Garnet. Garnet is known to be one of the flexible stones that is available in the market. These gemstones are known to be greatly in trend these and are greatly preferred by the people. The types of Garnet usually range from Garnet's various types range from 6-7 on Mohs scale of hardness. This means that this gem is vulnerable to incisions and flaws caused by impact. Garnets in common colours hail from India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Thailand, South Africa and the United States, while the more exotic garnet colours are mined in East Africa and Russia.

Legend holds that Noah hung a large garnet in the ark for illumination. It reportedly gives its wearer guidance in the night, protection from nightmares.
It improves dealings with other people and protects from sudden misfortunes. Hessonite Garnets are supposed to be the best gems to avert stomach ailments, disaster, insanity and evil spirits.
Garnets symbolize loyalty and kindness.
In legend, garnets protect travellers when they are far from home.
Garnet is the birthstone for January and the stone that celebrates the 2nd anniversary of marriage.
The different colours of a garnet resonate with different energies and are believed to help with different issues: Green for mediation and focus; Orange for commitment; Purple for mental stability and Red for passion, self-confidence, creativity and reflection.
If you want to improve your intake of vitamins and minerals, eat a lot of veggies and also wear a garnet stone. This stone is thought to help the body absorb minerals such as calcium, iodine and magnesium and the vitamins A and E from food sources. At the emotional level, it may help you feel more committed to your values and inspire you to serve in a social cause.
This Gem is for Shadow planet Rahu. The Shadow planet Rahu is supposed to be responsible for all sorts of delays or very late fulfilment of ambitions. Gomed can help in achieving speedy success in less time than expected. It Controls allergies in body & stop bleeding. Gives safety, protection and bestows health & wealth.

Diamond (Heera)

Discovered about 2,500 years ago in India, the ancients believed they were splinters from the stars, or maybe crystallized lightening or hardened dew drops. The name diamond is derived from the ancient Greek (adámas) which translates as "proper", "unalterable", "unbreakable" or "untamed" meaning invincible, theorizing that something so beautiful must be the crystallized teardrops of the gods. Diamonds are known to be extremely brilliant and have got the credit of being the hardest stones in the entire world. Renowned for its ability to attract and disperse light, the diamond has always been the first choice for royalty and lay man alike.

The common diamond that is greatly recognized is known to be the white diamond. Apart from this, there are many other diamonds available in other colours which are wonderful. The other colours in diamond usually include coffee brown, light blue, yellow, pink, red, green and such other colours. Fancy diamonds are rarer and more expensive. The cut, colour, clarity and the carat weight are the 4 important components of diamonds that should be considered before buying. All these components will be combined to decide the value of the diamond. Before a diamond reaches the hands of a lady, it would have touched the hands of numerous people across globe. This is to assure that the knowledge and skills of the best professionals in this field would have been applied for the purpose of extraction and finishing of the diamond.

Diamond is the birthstone for April and the gem of the 10th and 60th anniversary.
This precious stone usually displays love and devotion. When it comes to expressing love and emotion, no other gemstone can say what you feel more powerfully than a sparkling diamond.
At one time, it was even thought that if you took a diamond into bed with you, it would cure your illness.
It is said that the one who wears a diamond has a luxurious life. Diamond is also supposed to enhance the name, fame and artistic quality of a person Lord Venus. Control eye sight, cough and mucus problems. Gives overall health and protection. It gives all types of enjoyments, luxuries, comforts & love in life. It also enhances sexual power, cures diabetes, diseases of urine and venereal diseases, skin and uterine diseases. Must always be worn on left side of the body. It promotes consistency in marriage.


Tanzanite is a one-of-a-kind gemstone unlike any other and can only be found in one place on Earth: the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro. It gets its name from the country of Tanzania, the only place in the world where it is found. Tanzanite was discovered as recently as 1967, and was christened by coloured stone experts to be "the gemstone of the 20th century."

A member of the zoisite family of minerals, tanzanite is found only in shades of blue or purple, the most popular being a violet-blue which commands premium prices. While tanzanite is typically heat treated to enhance its blue colour, it is naturally trichroic, meaning that it displays three different colours (blue, purple and bronze) when viewed from different angles. This means that blue and purple dance together in the depths of the gem as it moves and catches the light. It personifies immaculate, yet unconventional elegance. Tanzanite exhibits a hardness of 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale. As tanzanite can be less expensive than sapphire, it often was purchased as an alternative. However, it has increased in popularity and now is valued more for its own beauty and brilliance than as a sapphire substitute.

A person who acquires one of these exclusive gems is someone who wishes to set themselves apart. A person who wears it exudes confidence and individuality. For those looking for something a little extra special and unique, Tanzanite is the gemstone to consider. Thanks to its unusual aura, it has rapidly become one of the most coveted gemstones in the world.


Topaz has been associated with the will, and the title is believed to have been derived from the Sanskrit ‘Tapas’ meaning heat, fire and passion. It is also derived from ‘Topozos’ a Greek word meaning ‘to search’. Topaz is one of the most common gemstones worldwide.

Blue topaz is colourless in its rough form, and takes on its blue hue only after exposure to irradiation enhancement. It is quite sensitive to heat and sunlight, and may lose all of its colour when exposed to strong UV rays for extended periods of time. The Blue topaz is known to be a renowned gem and the features of this gem includes durability, clarity, affordability and availability. The Blue topaz is known for its unchanging colour that ranges from Swiss blue to sky blue. This is most of the times confused with aquamarine. It is sometimes confused with the more costly - yet while aquamarine sometimes has a greenish-blue, blue topaz always looks blue or bluish gray. The only exception is for surface-enhanced topaz. While most people think of Topaz as blue, it is a fluorine aluminum silicate and comes in various shades of yellow, yellow-brown, honey-yellow, flax, brown, light blue, golden, reddish-orange, orange-yellow, sherry red, honey brown, deep pink, light green and various other colours. The ranking of "8" on Mohs scale means hardness and such Topaz is known to be extremely durable and are the best to be worn for daily purpose. But it is essential that it is protected as it often leads to cracks if mishandled. Topaz comes in a rainbow of colours, the most valuable of which are the red, pink and orange stones which are mined in Brazil, Pakistan and Russia. Colourless topaz is mined in Sri Lanka, Nigeria and China.

Many cultures have claimed that topaz has mythical and magical strengthening powers.
Topaz is said to enhance the owner with intelligence, creativity and wisdom, and may increase their intellectual potential. It is also known to help with meditation and the divine manifestation of the desired objects.
This is because Blue Topaz was considered by ancient civilizations to have cooling properties. Not only was it believed to cool boiling water, but to calm hot tempers as well. This gemstone was credited with many other healing powers, including the ability to cure insanity, asthma, weak vision and insomnia.


The first civilization thought to wear citrine (a yellow variety of quartz) were the Romans, who shaped it into cabochon-polished but unfaceted cuts of stone worn in jewellery. Citrine is derived from the French word “Citron”, meaning Lemon, appropriately describing this coloured stone's warm, inviting hue. Citrine was revered as a gift from the Sun. Citrine is a pale-yellow variety of crystalline quartz. It is one of the most affordable of gemstones and plentiful in nature. Citrine's affordability is due in part to the fact that throughout history, it's been confused with topaz, another golden-toned gemstone. A member of the quartz family, citrine is typically more affordable than amethyst.

Citrine is found in earthy-tone colours that vary from pure too soft yellow and golden honey to dark brownish orange. Citrine is frequently exposed to heat enhancement in order to improve or modify its colour. This bright gemstone has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. Citrine is found most frequently in Brazil, Bolivia, and Spain.

First surfacing in Roman times, the Citrine was believed to have magical powers and was worn as a talisman against evil. It was also used for medicinal purposes as a remedy for urinary and kidney ailments.
In addition to being the birthstone for November, citrine is the gem for the 13th anniversary.
A gift of Citrine is symbolic for hope and strength. With its sunny brightness, this gemstone is ideal for helping anyone to get through the tough times in life.
Citrine is also known as the "healing quartz". This golden gemstone is said to support vitality and health while encouraging and guiding hope, energy and warmth within the wearer.
It was believed to bring to its wearer, a calm, cheerful and objective attitude.


The name amethyst derives from the ancient Greek word amethustos, meaning sober and not drunk. The Greeks believed that it would protect its wearer from intoxication. Amethyst is a gemstone that is in the quartz family and is most precious among them. A much-coveted gem, Amethysts have been worn by the people in power for over centuries. Its rich purple shade denoted royalty and class. It is a perfect symbol that represents virtue and dignity.

The Amethyst is a transparent form of quartz found in purple or violet shades. It is available in different colours, including purple, magenta, pink, purple and violet. The best and expensive amethysts are known to be clear and will usually have a deep colour. Dark purple colour with violet tones fetches the highest value. Amethyst can be very sensitive to heat and sunlight. It may lose all of its colour when exposed to strong UV rays for extended periods of time. It exhibits rose and reddish overtones. A few stones will be oversaturated with the colour due to which the areas are sometimes blacked out. This is in fact a negative impact on the value of such gemstone. Among the amethysts of different grades, “Deep Russian” is rare and greatly in demand. This is the prime reason that it is expensive. Amethyst is relatively strong. In Mohs scale, it is rated 7 as a result it is a good gemstone for jewellery. This is a preferred gem that is used for jewellery due to its regal colour and a variety of shapes and sizes, wide range of hues and affordability. Amethyst complements both warm and cool colours so it looks fabulous set in both yellow and white metals. Please note that amethyst can be broken if burst with force. African Amethyst - Originating from the continent of Africa, the term usually applies to deeply coloured or darker Amethyst. Brazilian Amethyst - As the name suggests, comes from Brazil. Brazilian Amethyst is usually of a lighter colour with high luster. Amethyst are mostly found anywhere but large deposits are found in southern Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia and Madagascar. Light violet Amethyst are usually located in southern Brazil and Uruguay Amethyst are the most lustrous.

Amethyst was believed by many cultures to possess various supernatural beneficial properties such as promoting piety, protecting the wearer against seduction and preventing alcohol intoxication.
The amethyst has also symbolized peace, protection and tranquillity.
Amethyst is also a suggested gift for one's 6th wedding anniversary.
At the physical level, amethyst is thought to stimulate the regeneration of body tissues and enhance the production of blood cells. It is often used effectively in patients with diabetes and those with low immunity. At the emotional level, amethyst is believed to increase the intuitive power of individuals along with calming the mind. If you are looking to kick the smoking or drinking habit, amethyst could help you stick to your decision because it is thought to aid in mind control.


Smoky Quartz, a brown transparent variety is fast becoming a designer’s favourite because of its earthy tone and tribal look. Smoky Quartz is found in many places including Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Spain, Germany, Russia, Madagascar and parts of the United States.

Beer Quartz is a natural quartz which has been heat treated to produce a yellow/brown colour; the term 'beer' simply describes the colour of the stone.

Quartz has a strong effect on the functioning of the digestive organs. It is also used to treat vertigo and impart resistance power to persons with low immunity. People who wear quartz may notice that they are able to think with greater clarity than before.


A variety of the quartz family, black onyx is a popular, common and affordable gemstone. There are specific layers in this stone that ranges from translucent to opaque in a few stones and are powerfully white or black banded. This is a common stone available throughout the world and thereby, it is affordable.

Although black onyx is known for its deep black colour, it may display bands of white. Sardonyx is a form of onyx which varies in colour from white, to red or reddish brown. This precious gem is available in a variety of colours like white, brown and tan and the beautiful among all is the black Onyx. The superior Onyx is known to have smooth marble like surface with a few cuts or hollows in it. The natural onyx is known to be the rarest of all. Since the olden days, this stone is known to have improved texture and colour in it. This is produced by commercially heating and is known to be dyed permanently for the purpose of enriching its colour, thereby making it striking. This beautiful black stone has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. Black onyx can be found in the US, Mexico, Brazil, India, Pakistan and Madagascar.

Some believe that Onyx helps enhance self-control and it drives away negativity. Onyx is also thought to draw romance into one's life.


Agate is one of the oldest stones in the recorded history. Some evidence shows that agate has been used by Human beings for up to 15,000 years. A unique variety of the quartz family, agate is relatively common and affordable. Agate is known to be one of the hardest stones that is curved and includes bands of various colours and other markings that are used in jewellery.

Agate is known for the multi-coloured bands that might be likened to tiger stripes or tree rings. This beautiful feature is what makes agate such a popular gemstone. Agates are usually available in all colours and the green and blue colours in it are known to be extremely rare.
In the Riband Agate, the bands usually look like straight lines in cross section. Agate that has white bands flashing with bands of black, red or brown is called onyx. Ring or eye agate is featured with concentric circular bands of various colours. Moss Agate is the green colour that is rooted in agate and is disposed in threads and in other forms indicative of vegetable growth. It has an average hardness of 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale. Today Agate is mined in the United States, Mexico, Germany, Italy, Brazil, China, India, Africa and a number of other countries.

Agates attracts strength and also protects individuals from bad dreams, stress and energy drain.


The word jadeite originated from the Spanish 'piedra de ijada', and the word nephrite originated from the Latin' lapis nephriticus', both meaning 'loin stone.' Jade is an umbrella term for two stones: jadeite and nephrite. Jade has been valued by both Eastern and Western countries for over 7,000 years. It is considered an especially precious symbol of royalty, compassion, goodness, beauty, modesty and more.

Jadeite displays colours which include green, white, pink, red, black, brown, and violet. Nephrite typically displays mid to dark green or grey-green, but it can also be white, yellowish, or reddish. Only the finest jades have evenly distributed colour. Jades have an average hardness of 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, but they are extremely tough. Because of this toughness, jades have been used by early civilizations to make knives, axes, tools and weaponry.

They are well known for being an effective remedy for kidney ailments.
Like bloodstone, jade too has a purifying power and helps to remove toxins from blood. It has a rejuvenating effect and is useful in relieving physical exhaustion and mental tiredness. If you consult an expert on gems with these complaints, he will probably ask you to wear jade and say that it can also boost your self-confidence and do away with a low self-esteem.


Moonstone is a member of the large feldspar family of minerals which includes about two-thirds of all stones on earth. Generally thought to resemble moonshine, the token characteristic of the moonstone is its white shimmery glow. History holds that the Romans and Hindus thought the stone was formed from actual pieces of moonlight, and many still believe that the future may be seen in its ethereal glimmer. Moonstone is sometimes used as an alternative since it physically resembles some pearls.

It has a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Mohs scale, and exhibits a wide range of colours from green, brown, yellow, grey pink, rainbow, and colourless to very rare blues. High quality moonstones display a bluish luster. The unique blue-glow of light that slides across the surface of the stone is caused by a type of light refraction called adularescence. Most moonstones come from Sri Lanka, but some are mined in India, Burma, Mexico and Madagascar.

Moonstone is said to have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system in women. Therefore, it is often prescribed for women who have difficulty in conceiving. Probably one of the best stones to wear during your pregnancy, this stone is believed to reduce the pain involved during labour. It removes mental stress and brings peace along with inspiring you to feel compassion for others.


The name Aquamarine comes from the Latin 'aqua' (water) and 'mare' (sea), from of its intense blue-green colour. In ancient times, the stone was said to aid seafarers. Considered the sailor’s lucky stone, many legends revolve around the Aquamarine, including one about its origin in the treasure chest of mermaids!

A variety of the beryl mineral, aquamarine is named for its sea-like colour, which can range from pastel blue, to deep blue, to greenish or yellowish blue. The blue of Aquamarine is a divine, eternal colour, because it is the colour of the sky and of water. Aquamarine gemstones of the best quality are known to be of deep pure blue colour without any green tints. Deep blue aquamarine stones are considered to be the most valuable of their kind. This gemstone is usually free of inclusions. In fact, an Aquamarine gem with a visible flaw is hardly seen and this is the main reason that it is cut with large step facets for showing off the perfect surfaces. When compared to other gemstones, the Aquamarine is known to be less vulnerable to incisions or cracks. Aquamarine has a good hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale. It is frequently used in modern designs and is believed to be a lucky stone in several cultures. The brilliance and clarity this gemstone makes it perfect to be studded on different kinds of jewellery. It is mined mainly in Brazil, Zambia, Mozambique, Angola, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Zimbabwe and Madagascar.

Aquamarine is said to have a soothing influence on relationships, making it a good anniversary gift.
Aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March and stone that celebrates 19th anniversary of marriage.
Aquamarine is associated with many positive attributes including love, happy marriage, joy and wealth.
It is elegant and is known to be a perfect symbol of hope, youth, health and fidelity.
To dream of an aquamarine signifies the making of new friends; to wear aquamarine earrings brings love and affection.


The word Peridot is derived from the Greek word 'peridona', which means 'to give richness'. The Arabic word "faridat," meaning gem, is where the name for the gem peridot comes from. The ancient Romans called it the - 'emerald of the evening', as it was believed that the Peridot glowed with light even as darkness fell. An indigenous Hawaiian myth suggests that a peridot stone is a tear of Pele, the Hawaiian fire and volcano goddess. Peridot's stunning beauty and bright colour caused the ancient Egyptians to call it "the gem of the sun." It is also believed that Peridot is the extraterrestrial gem: tiny peridot crystals have been discovered in meteors that fall to earth. Peridot is a beautiful gemstone that is very rare to find. It is also one of the world’s oldest gemstones. On our planet, this lime-green gem forms in volcanoes, under tremendous heat and pressure. Peridot contains magnesium and iron with silica and oxygen mixed in it.

A member of the olivine family, peridot comes in a variety of shades of green. The signature lime-green peridot is a characteristic of the mineral itself, rather than that of a foreign element. The peridot is one of the few gemstones which come in one colour only – green with a hint of gold. Peridot is very popular for its olive-green appearance, which is also sometimes referred "Evening Stone”. The valuable Peridot is featured with dark-olive green colour and also has iron percentage of less than 15%. It will also be featured with chromium and nickel as other elements and helps in giving them with good colour. If you cannot afford buying the expensive emeralds, you can choose to buy the Peridot as it is a perfect substitute for emeralds. It is often known as evening emerald as it glows as brilliant green in artificial light. Even the price is comparatively less. An ideal summer stone, touches of Peridot add lightness & shine to any wardrobe. Although peridot has a decent 6.5 and hardness 7 on the Mohs scale, is generally not considered as the best stone for a ring. The reason is that it is extremely sensitive to chemical weathering and colour can be changed quickly or discolour. Usually Peridot is not found many regions but can be found in the black sands of Hawaii, St. Johns Island in the red sea, Myanmar, China, Burma, Pakistan and the U.S.

Peridot, is the birthstone for August, the zodiac stone for Leo, and the 16th anniversary gem.
The Peridot signifies strength, both individual and within a relationship, as well as the promise of new growth in years ahead.
It is believed by some that peridot enhances the effectiveness of any medicine.
According to others, peridot protects against nightmares.
It is said that by wearing this gemstone daily, it brings peace, wearer success and good charm.
They were considered powerful amulets against all evil and said to be favored by pirates.


The name opal is thought to be derived from the Sanskrit upala, meaning "precious stone," and later the Greek derivative "Opallios," meaning "to see a change of colour." referring to the colour of the opal which seems to vary when tilted under light. This phenomenon occurs due to an internal diffraction of light which disperses a spectrum of iridescent colours.

The opal family is well known for its special rainbow colour play, and is available in an almost infinite array of hues including black, white, colourless, yellow, reddish, green, blue and multi-coloured. This is known to be the valued gems and colourful when compared to any other gem. "Play of colour " is known to be one of the features of this gem. Value of this gem is mostly determined by brilliance of colour and its pattern. The ideal Opal is one that displays broad patterns covering the surface, with all the colours of the rainbow, including red. The size of this gem determines its price and the gems of large size are known to be extremely rare. Opal are usually cut in the form rounded cabochons for the purpose of enhancing colour play. The opal has an average hardness of 5.5-6 on the Mohs scale. Since Opals are the most individual gemstone with its range of colours be sure to choose one that showcases your colour preference and pattern. Opals are found in Australia, Mexico and the US. The main origin of the opal is Australia, with Mexico and the US serving as its secondary sources.

A myriad of superstitious legends exists regarding the origin of opals and the supernatural powers that these stones may possess.
Opals were greatly valued by ancient monarchs for their protective powers. They were worn as jewellry and in crowns to ward off evil and to protect the wearer's eyesight.
The opal was also ingested in a ground-up powder to protect against nightmares.
It is also the stone given to celebrate the 14th year of marriage.
Opal has symbolized hope, innocence and purity throughout the ages.
Medieval writers believed opal could render its wearer invisible when the need arose.
It is thought to banish evil spirits and favor children, the theater and friends.


The word tourmaline was derived from the Sinhalese words 'tura mali,' meaning 'mixed coloured.' According to legend, the Tourmaline on its way up from the centre of the earth passed through a rainbow, absorbing its colours on the way.

Available in a rainbow of colours and colour combinations, tourmaline lives up to its name. Tourmaline is found in a vast array of colours and colour mixtures, more than any other gemstone in the world. A unique gem stone, no two Tourmalines are alike and even a single Tourmaline can change colour depending on the light. Since many of its colours look similar to the colours of other gemstones, many tourmaline stones have been misidentified as rubies and sapphires. The rarest colours, which include copper and electric blue, are the most valuable. This colourful gem exhibits a good hardness of 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale. This gem inspires designers to create jewellery to suit every mood. Although Brazil is the most common source of tourmaline, the stone is also mined in Tanzania, Madagascar, Australia, Sri Lanka, the United States, and Russia.

Many magical powers have been attributed to tourmaline over the ages, including the power to enhance artistic creativity and gem of intuition.


Discovered in Russia in 1830 and named after Czar Alexander II, it was soon adopted as the national stone of Russia. A variety of the mineral chrysoberyl, top quality alexandrite is very rare and very valuable.

The surprising feature of this gem is that it can easily change its colour. With respect to the light source, the colour of this gemstone ranges from red to green. The best Alexandrite would have a bright bluish-green in daylight and would look purplish-red in artificial light. If the ability to change the colour is more, it means that the stone is valuable. Its colours correspond to the Russian imperial colours. With hardness of 8.5, this gemstone can be easily worn for daily purposes. This gemstone is rare and is made of great use in modern jewellery. In the traditional Russian jewellery, it is sure that you can find this gemstone. Alexandrite is mined in Russia, Brazil, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, India and Madagascar.

Mystics of the XIX century affirmed that Alexandrite establishes harmony between physical, astral and mental bodies of the person, making its wearer more peaceful and compliant. Alexandrite strengthens creative abilities and fosters imagination. It may boost intuitive abilities, finding a way out from a desperate situation.
Gamblers favour Alexandrite, as they believe wearing it improves chances of winning.
Alexandrite is a stone with strong powers; it reacts to a change in the wearer’s health by changing its colour. It is believed that Alexandrite can improve blood circulation, purify blood and strengthen blood vessels; it also positively influences spleen and pancreas.

Lapis Lazuli

The name of the stone is a combination of Latin and Arabic words meaning 'blue stone.' Lapis Lazuli has been used for over 6,000 years as an ornamental gemstone, and is known worldwide for its breathtakingly deep blue colour. Lapis Lazuli has a hardness of 5-6 on the Mohs scale; it is sensitive to extreme conditions, but can also be ground into a powder as a base for water-colours, oil-paints and tempera paints.

This beautiful stone is believed to symbolize friendship and truth.


A member of the copper family, turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones known to man, having been treasured by countless ancient civilizations across the globe. Since about 6,000 B.C. when it was first mined by the Egyptians, turquoise has been one of the most valuable opaque minerals in the jewellery business. It is thought to have originated in Iran, where many Persians wore turquoise on their turbans to protect against the evil eye. Native Americans, Egyptians, Chinese and Tibetans also believe turquoise holds spiritual and protective powers. Native Americans and Persians also valued it for its decorative and ornamental beauty.

Turquoise is known for its light blue colour, which can range from greenish-blue to sky blue, and at times exhibits yellow, black, gray, or even brown veining. The turquoises of the best quality are known to be pure and are fine without regular matrix. If the colour tends strongly towards green it means that the quality of stone is low. The Turquoises that have natural colour are toughened with colourless wax or with the help of synthetic resin. These are known to be greater in value when compared to such stones of which the colour is improved. It is a versatile gem and is known to be cut into cabochons that can be used perfectly for making good jewellery. This renowned gemstone exhibits an average hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale. As they are relatively soft, they are known to be sensitive as well. It is essential that you protect this gem from cosmetics, bright light and heat. Also, you need to maintain it well by cleaning it well with a soft cloth after use. As Iranian sources of turquoise have been nearly depleted over the centuries, the stone is now mined mainly in places that contain high level of copper like the southwestern United States, Mexico, Afghanistan, Israel and China.

This beautiful robin's egg blue gemstone has been attributed with healing powers, promoting the wearer's status and wealth, protecting from evil and bringing good luck.


Bloodstone is also referred as heliotrope, which is a dark green gemstone with distinguishing red spots in it. Indians make use of this gemstone greatly for making medicines even to this day. This is the main reason that Bloodstone is not available in any jewellery store or the gemstone markets.

The medical properties of this gemstone are known to be excellent as these are made of great use in preparing a lot of traditional medicines. This stone is said to be good at clearing the body of toxins that get formed over a period of time. Besides, it also improves eyesight and helps to get rid of skin rashes that are a result of too much toxic material in the liver. Emotionally too, bloodstone is believed to play a role in removing stress and causes a purification of the mind, giving the much-needed impetus for spiritual growth.

Why Gemstone

Your desire to own or wear a coloured gemstone is not new or unique. Each person has his or her own reason for buying, owning or wearing a coloured Gemstone. Gems have held fascination, sometimes even a legendary power, for people from all cultures.

• Gemstones are primarily beautiful. Every stone has a natural work of art, each one having a distinct and separate personality and possessing unique and distinguishing beauty marks. The glowing hues of an Emerald or a Ruby, or the beautiful depth of a Sapphire or an Aquamarine, can take any girl's breath away as much as a Diamond, and makes for a challenging competitor as an eternal gift of love.

• The mystery and romance of gemstones goes back as far as we can trace, to those ancient days when people coveted these beautiful stones as charms or amulets to ward off evil. Later, as life became more sophisticated, the rarity and beauty of gems established as the ultimate status symbol.

• Gemstones as birthstones have an influence on the wearer life. The concept of birthstones was first found in the Gregorian Calendar. It was believed that a person’s energy and power was enhanced when the birthstone gem was worn.

• Gemstones have a far more coloured history and can date back to the ruins several thousands of years ago, where they were adorned as a symbol of wealth and success by queens and princesses.

• Gemstones add colour to jewellery and make it look more vibrant and lively.

• Gemstones are primarily beautiful. Every stone has a natural work of art, each one having a distinct and separate personality and possessing unique and distinguishing beauty marks.

• Gemstones are durable. Gemstones can last for generations and, in some cases for centuries.

• Today, the pride of possessing a rare and beautiful Gemstone is as great as ever. There is, however, one major difference – at one time, only the very wealthy or the very powerful could hope to own a Gemstone. Now, thanks to discoveries of the rich mining and alluvial sources, no one needs to be a millionaire to afford a Gemstone.

Buying Gemstones

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Buying Gemstones

Most people are familiar with the gemological characteristics of diamond and feel more comfortable buying a diamond or diamond jewellery. Therefore, buying colored gems are often very different and difficult experience for most people buying diamonds.

Investing in a gemstone isn't something you do every day and so you may not know where to start. Indeed, gemstones are complex by their very nature, strikingly beautiful and often expensive. Our guide ensures that you are not fazed by the gemstone buying process and helps you to make a clear and sensible decision when it comes to choosing the perfect gemstone in the perfect setting. Whether you are looking to impress her with emeralds or dazzle her with diamonds, we are waiting to give you all the advice and help that you need.

Factors to be considered before buying Gemstones

* An important factor that should be considered before buying gems is that you should be able to identify its colors. These are in fact available in different shades. The best and real gems have purely a natural color and does not contain overtones. These are strongly saturated. So, the 3 essential aspects that relates to color that have to be considered are hue, tone and saturation. Once the color is considered, the cut, clarity and size should be considered. Pure gems will actually be clear without any kind of visible inclusions and are extremely valuable when compared to such gems which have visible internal flaws in them. The untreated gems are actually rare and are extremely expensive as well.
* This gem is usually available in a lot of size and shapes are also equipped with fancy cuts. The Victorian jewellery contained Paler shades which are commonly called as "Rose of France". Sometimes this stone is also combined with sister quartz citrine into single stone that is called as ametrine.
* This gem, which ranks 7 on Mohs hardness scale is known to be durable to be worn on a daily basis. But you should also take care of the fact that it should be exposed to bright sunlight as such exposure may cause the gem to fade.

Gemstone Care

A Gemstone’s durability means it can last for generations, but it must be handled with care. Listed below are some of the general care and cleaning rules that apply to all coloured gemstone jewellery.


Gold jewellery with gemstones should not be submerged in warm water as this may loosen the gemstones. After wearing, wipe your precious gemstone jewellery thoroughly with a clean soft, slightly damp cloth. This will enhance the gemstone's luster and ensure that your jewellery is clean before storage.

Clean your jewellery regularly and get them examined periodically for any loose settings. Rings particularly tend to collect dust and soap behind the stone, especially ones worn daily. To clean transparent crystalline gemstones, simply soak them in warm water, brush with a gentle soap and a soft toothbrush.

A home solution of one-part mild detergent, one-part household ammonia, and three parts water is also effective for many jewellery cleaning needs. Dry the jewellery with a lint-free towel. This method of cleaning is especially desirable for alexandrite, amethyst, andalusite, aquamarine, citrine, diamond, garnet, iolite, moonstone, ruby, sapphire, spinel, tanzanite, topaz, tourmaline, and zircon

Opaque & Porous gems: Pearls, turquoise, coral etc. need special care. These gems are porous i.e. they can absorb, so using a chemical cleaner, even soap may cause the stone to dis-colour. The best way to keep their shine, is to gently wipe them with a moist cloth. Hard stones or single crystal stones like Sapphires do not absorb, so it is safe to clean them with a little ammonia to remove film.

A mild soap and water solution used with a soft brush is effective for many home jewellery care needs. Even the mild chemicals of commercial jewellery cleaning products may damage certain gems. Although soap and water is the best choice for most gems and jewellery, do not use soap and water with amber, coral, emerald, jade, kunzite, lapis lazuli, opal, pearl, or turquoise. Never use anything abrasive such as toothpaste to clean your jewellery.

Do not leave your emerald ring on while washing dishes or washing with soap. This is because the diamonds as well as the emerald attract grease and soap. As these substances accumulate on the bottom of the gemstones, they cause them to lose their lively brilliance.

Clean your emerald Jewellery by using room temperature running water and a soft toothbrush: brush repeatedly on the underside of the emerald (and diamonds) to remove accumulation of dirt and grease. Use a mild soap like hand soap. You will see that the diamonds begin to sparkle like new and the emerald will brighten. After drying the gold can be rubbed with a polishing cloth.

Do not expose your precious gemstone pieces to salt water or harsh chemicals, such as chlorine or detergents. Avoid strong soaps, jewellery cleaners or liquids. These chemicals may slowly erode the finish and polish of gemstones.

Contrary to the popular belief that we can clean our Jewellery by keeping it submerged in Boiling Hot Soapy Water, doing this can actually crack the Precious Stones studded in it. Stones may also lose their colour or become pale. Though you can keep Jewellery in Boiling Water which is studded with only Diamonds as they can bear extreme Heat.

Be extra careful with ultrasonic cleaners, steam cleaners or acetone. These may cause damage to the stone or the setting. Also, some gemstones are fragile and can be damaged by these cleaners. Consult your jeweller for the best cleaning procedure for your particular gemstone jewellery. Your jeweller is also a good source for any information on coloured gemstones.


If you have an active lifestyle, take extra precautions with some types of gemstone jewellery. For example, Emeralds are brittle and should be avoided when doing household chores or any other activity where the stone could be hit or damaged. Even tough stones like Rubies & Sapphires can chip on hard impact. So, if you have a softer gem stone or an included stone, do take it off before any strenuous activity.

b Some gems are affected by water and direct sunlight. Do not let your gemstone jewellery subject to sudden temperature changes as heat and water can cause jewellery to fade. Make sure you understand the nature of the gem and care requirements in this regard before buying.

Care should be taken to wear jewellery after application of cosmetics, hair spray, perfume, perspiration, etc. may cause jewellery to become dull.

We recommend that your fine jewellery be examined and cleaned once every 6 months. For resizing or repairs take it only to knowledgeable, professional Jewellers. Sometimes trying to save a little on a cut-rate job may cause extensive damage.


Gemstones are very susceptible for scratching and cracking. Store each piece of Gemstone or Gemstone studded jewellery separately in soft pouches so that harder stones don't scratch softer ones. Almost every gemstone is much harder than the metal it is set in, so unless you want your gold, silver or platinum scratched, don’t keep gemstone jewellery in a pile in your drawer or jewellery box. Make sure you separate the stones from the metals in order to retain the original condition of your jewellery.

Store your jewellery well as this is key is maintaining its beauty. Diamonds and Gemstones should be stored separately using a separate compartment in your jewellery box. Diamonds, for example, may scratch rubies, sapphires, or emeralds when they come in contact with each other.

Why Us

Investing in a gemstone isn't something you do every day and so you may not know where to start. For most people buying Gemstones is a complicated task. Indeed, gemstones are complex by their very nature, strikingly beautiful and often expensive. There are many fake coloured stones which are sold in the name of gemstones. So, it is advisable that you buy precious gemstones from a trusted source.

At Jewelroof.com, we believe every good design comes to life with the luster that only the finest gemstones can bring. We have the most impressive range of gemstones sourced from around the world. Each type of gemstone selected is of the highest grades available in terms of its colour, cut and luster. We do not sell any gemstone that has been enhanced in any way. All our gemstones are free of any treatment or enhancement.

All our Gemstones are certified by the most trusted Certification lab across the world. So, you don’t have to worry about the authenticity of the stone.

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